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For every positive there is a negative. For as long as the Drag'nz have been around so have the Inferno's quietly bidding their time before like a massive volcano errupting and letting the world know that a new form of chaotic order existed. For years the Infernos were only known to the Drag'nz as a rival street gang, whos cars were just as fast and more deadly then theirs, for many of the infernos liked to drive dirty, running the risk of killing themselves and their opponents. What stopped this rumor was when the current leader of the infernos Morrighan O'neil stepped forward, to hide the true identy of the soon-to-be Ulfric of infernos Lucifina the Second Diablo del Infierno. Ms. O'neil is the last of the remaining origanal infernos, having to watch her friends die and parish over the years from anything to natural causes to strikes of enemys from around the world. As the last remaining Inferno Morrighan sort of rules the pack, until Lucy is ready. And at 27 the woman is damn near close to being ready, as morrighan's own daughter will soon take over for her as well. Three years previous the forces of the Triad army threatened to take over the twin cities. Threatening to demolish the Bishop and Inferno ranks. Instead of fighting the battles alone, the two rival familys joined arms agains the comon enemy. The infernos calling home many of their ranks who resided around the world... ie. russia, france, england. To help settle the matter of whos turf was whoms. Both sides thought they had successfully battled off the Triad force, leaving their lives into the simple peace and quiet of friendly rivalery, until another enemy surfaced.
This enemy taking both sides by surprise as both became victimized by this force. Inferno's was badly damaged three years previous their loss of people high, and their ranks decreased. But the international house and family has preserved, and when one dares to take the future leader of infernos and her children... the world better tremble in fear for the infernos know how to burn those who have wronged them. Many of their important people along with the Drag'nz have been taken, and once more the infernos are forced to combine forces with the drag'nz in order to see an end to this tragedy. For the uncommon knowledge amongst the group, is not only is Mr. Bishops grandchildren on the drag'nz side gone missing, but his iligitamete ones as well...whos lives are forever intwined with the infernos...
The infernos themselves are a large extended family, incorporating multiple familys into one giant group of people who live and treat each other as if they were all born of the same flesh and blood. As mentioned before they are an international family, who has been around since the drag'nz have been only keeping their lives a secret, until they were ready to take on the world. The infernos for the most part have specialized in raceing the drag'nz or so they have let it seem, when their other little buisness ventures included, drug trafficing, prostitution, dance clubs, weapon and arms manufacturing and selling, and of course contracting.
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